Understanding Statute of Limitations in Personal Injury Cases

A worried egg concerned about its fragility.

Introduction Personal injuries can occur in a variety of circumstances, from car accidents to assaults. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence or intentional act, you may have the right to seek compensation for your damages through a personal injury claim. However, it’s crucial to be aware of a legal concept that can…

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The Role of Insurance Companies in Personal Injury Claims

Model of the human skull, in a hospital, medical setting.

Introduction When you’re injured due to someone else’s negligence, you may find yourself dealing with insurance companies. Insurance plays a significant role in personal injury claims, as it often provides the financial compensation needed to cover medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. However, navigating the complex world of insurance claims can be challenging, and…

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Dealing with Insurance Adjusters: Dos and Don’ts

Image of a broken toy as a metaphor for a personal injury that will require an insurance claim.

Introduction After sustaining a personal injury due to someone else’s negligence, you may find yourself dealing with insurance adjusters from the at-fault party’s insurance company. These adjusters play a significant role in evaluating and settling your claim. However, it’s essential to understand that their primary goal is to minimize the insurer’s financial liability. To ensure…

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The Importance of Seeking Medical Treatment After an Accident

Emergency services vehicle at the scene of an accident and a person receiving medical treatment.

Introduction Accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, and they often leave victims shocked, confused, and sometimes even in pain. Whether it’s a car collision, truck accident, or any other unfortunate incident, seeking immediate medical treatment should be your top priority. As a personal injury attorney at the Law Office of David M.…

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Why You Shouldn’t Delay Filing a Personal Injury Claim

An hourglass with sand falling through, indicating the passing of time in delaying your injury claim.

Introduction Accidents happen when we least expect them, and when they do, they can leave a trail of physical, emotional, and financial turmoil in their wake. If you’ve suffered injuries due to someone else’s negligence, it’s essential to understand the importance of filing a personal injury claim promptly. Delaying the process can have severe consequences…

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Severe Injuries: When to Enlist the Help of a Personal Injury Attorney

Enlisting the help of a personal injury attorney is advisable in certain situations to protect your rights, navigate complex legal processes, and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation. While it’s possible to handle minor personal injury claims on your own, there are instances where the expertise and representation of an attorney are invaluable. Here…

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How Do Personal Injury Attorneys Normally Handle Accident Cases?

Personal Injury law

After you’ve been injured in an accident, hiring a personal injury attorney can greatly benefit your case. A skilled attorney will navigate the legal complexities, advocate for your rights, and help you seek fair compensation for your injuries and losses. Here’s how a personal injury attorney is likely to handle your case: Initial Consultation The…

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We Parents Get An F In School Bus Safety

I noticed that Texas and several other states have passed a form of seat belt requirements for school buses in this state. The new law requires that buses made in 2018 and thereafter will be required to have 3-point seat belts. What on earth took our elected officials so long? A review of laws show that…

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Death By Mac And Cheese?

As reported today in the New York Times, you – and more importantly your kids that are counting on us adults – are potentially at great risk of injury from of all things, macaroni and cheese. How we got here is really not that surprising. According to the report, the culprit is a chemical called phthalates. It is…

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